Meet Parking Pin

A cross-functional platform that creates a network for administration and commuters to distribute information seamlessly – getting everyone where they need to go.

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Two products. One package.

Our dual interactive systems function hand-in-hand.

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Administrator Dashboard(web)

The missing dashboard for administrators to regain control over the efficiency of their operations and restore communication with their commuters.

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Commuter Platform(mobile)

We supply everything a commuter needs for parking on campus. Intentionally designed to get users from point 'A' to point 'B' (and maybe even to 'C').

A fully unified system.

Adopt a smarter system for parking

Our products are synced via an interactive map allowing critical parking information to be shared between both clients.

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Measure what matters through geolocation.

Capture more insights on commuter behaviors without the use of any traditional hardware like cameras or sensors, saving you upfront and maintenance costs down the road.

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Sound familiar?

  • Static data

    Not having access to dynamic data is harmful for the health of your operations. Limited insights can blindside your operations from impending threats of congestion and parking inadequacy.

  • Challenges in communication

    Static maps, social media, and email campaigns are disconnected from the commuter experience. It's hard for drivers to comply with policy when the information they received becomes outdated by the time it reaches them.

Parking Pin alleviates these pains and more.

Monitor parking.

Drill down insights commuter insights from availabiilty to parking turnover across different users groups.

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Identify present and future parking demand.

Measuring how people move is key to providing an exceptional customer experience. Generate fresh insights all in-house to upgrade your existing services or refine your mobility strategy.

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Expedite reporting.

Harness the power of your data with pre-built monthly data reports of all the KPIs that matter to your organization.

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Send updates to drivers.

Trigger push notifications directly to a commuter's smartphone device that encourages them make more efficient parking decisions.

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A win-win for both drivers and administrators.

Better managed facilities = happier customers.

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More accessible than any alternative

The shape of your parking landscape shouldn't disqualify you from getting access to the data you need.

Data stream

Provides access to a richer data stream

Our data feed allows you to answer your most pressing questions about the health and efficiency of your operations. 

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Level up the customer experience

Exceed customer expectations by servicing them where they are, at anytime.

Unlock mobility.

Discover what our all-in-one mobility platform can do for your organization.

Built on Unicorn Platform